Saturday, November 24, 2007

Live Action Anime

So, Professor Ian Condry, of MIT, specializes in contemporary Japan in the context of pop culture and globalization. It's very cool -- literally, he's part of the Cool Japan Program, co-sponsored by MIT and Harvard's Reischauer Institute. You can hear him speak next weekend (late notice -- apologies), when MIT's dance theater ensemble will be putting on "Live Action Anime 2007: Madness at Mokuba".

What is "Live Action Anime", you ask. It seems part homage to anime culture and part MIT psychosis. I quote from the event description: "this original theatrical production features giant robots, a Japanese schoolgirl, a lovelorn otaku, a masterless samurai, a gamer woman, evil media magnates, and a vengeful deathgod who all battle for truth, justice, and the anime way." In sum, it's a good show if the theatrical ensemble knows what it's doing and an even better one if it doesn't.

The spectacle runs Thursday through Saturday (Nov. 29 - Dec. 1), at 8:00 pm in MIT's Kresge Theater. Admission is free and open to the public. I am very interested in going. It's an excellent opportunity to scout out Professor Condry and see what MIT's crazed genius offers. Anyone interested (and on the East Coast) is enthusiastically invited; my dorm room misses JASCers and, incidentally, Jessica never reclaimed her sleeping bag.

For more on Professor Condry, click here.
For more on Live Action Anime, click here.

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