Monday, April 28, 2008

Jake Shimabukuro

Last night, I went to a Jake Shimabukuro concert. It was at the Dakota Jazz Club in Downtown Minneapolis. What a phenomenal performer!

For those of you who have not heard his name yet, read carefully! (especially you are a great fan of stringed instruments, jazz, etc.)

Jake Shimabukuro is the world's best ukulele performer. He is a 5th generation Japanese descent Hawaiian and started playing the ukulele since four years old. Now, you may think, "oh, how exciting, he plays some aloha music", but no, he is very experimental! He writes his own songs, and plays covers. Just imagine the ukulele playing classical, flamenco, the beatles, pop, techno, traditional japanese songs, lullabies, etc. He is, after all, known as the Jimi Hendrix of the Ukulele.

I bought two CDs last night, Gently Weeps and My Life, and got both of them signed with Jake's autograph. :) Shook hands with him three times, took a group photo, it was my first time chatting with a real famous musician. Apparently my "eyes were sparkling", according to my friends.

It feels good to watch this Japanese American/Hawaiian. He is just so passionate about what he does. He doesn't love himself, he loves the sound of the Ukelele. It is really quite astonishing with what he does with a four stringed 2-octave guitar.

You should all search for him on youtube. seriously. DO it. now! :D

Here is a group photo we took with Jake. I am on the far left. Jake is behind the girl in the middle (front).

PS and yes, I checked his tour dates to see if he was coming to any of our jasc sites this year, but no. we missed. darn. :( I asked him to come again to Minneapolis.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The 59th Vice Chairpersons

102 more days until the beginning of the 60th JASC! I feel nervous, excited, anxious, optimistic, afraid, and honored all at the same time.

The AEC has been planning for the 60th JASC since end of last August. What a ride it has been! I only know that things will get busier but better as the countdown continues.

Here, I'd like to introduce two very important JASC alumni. Hiroyuki Miyake and Marie Kanke. They are certainly the two greatest friends I love and respect very much.

Hiroyuki, or HIro, was the 59th American Executive Committe vice chairperson, and Marie was the vice chairperson for the Japanese Executive Committee. I'm so blessed that I have the support of these two individuals, or else I wouldn't have come this far as vice chairperson myself. So, Hiro and Marie, thank you very much for all your kind support.

Here's a nice photo of them~. Photo taken in Akita, August 6th, 2007.

Friday, April 11, 2008

after school

I was just informed that I've been hired by a Japanese company.

It's absurdly difficult to teach a class when you have to consciously stop yourself from squeaking every other minute. I think it a testament to my love of teaching that I was able to and that I was as wrapped up in section as I was.

I have an actual 仕事 instead of just many, many バイト. Whoah.
Now I just need to finish grad school...