February 28-March 2, 2008
60th JASC AEC Spring Meeting
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine.
60th JASC AEC Spring Meeting
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine.
Thursday (thoughts from my journal)
I feel like a country girl gone to the city for the first time, only perhaps in reverse. Never before have I seen ice on the ocean but, looking out my plane window, such is my first view of Maine.
Greeting the lobsters and marveling at tire tracks on what seem to be frozen lakes, my mind immediately creates images of sailors with ice-encrusted beards, people bundled to three times their size in fur boots and parkas, and me: a naive West Coaster equipped with only her peacoat and a homemade hat. This is the first time I've ever been nervous to step off a plane. Maine: land of lobsters, baked beans factories, and soon to be a frozen member of the AEC. I'm so excited.

After a very short night (bringing JASCers together again seems to equal very little sleep. I think we finally went to bed around 3am and woke up around 7:30 or 8) of laughter and shushing ourselves, it's time for a full day of meetings. But first, breakfast...
Stomachs full, we set off for a morning of site and AO rundowns. We like to start easy and build to the hard stuff, or in this case delegate selection. Not having Aya there made the weekend feel incomplete, I think, but Aya seems to have somehow anticipated conflicts that arose and the comments she had sent proved invaluable.
Speaking of conflict, though, I find that, perversely enough, I really enjoy hashing out the business stuff. This team constantly surprises me and while there are plenty of frustrating moments as in any group project, at the end of the day, I'm left with people that will crawl into a fireplace with me,
and steal numerous custards from the cafeteria, all of which may initially seem insignificant but nevertheless remind me of how lucky I am to have this group of people as AEC this year. I feel free to express my opinions knowing that even though there may be rampant objection,

when we leave the table, our relationship is just as strong as it was when we first sat down.
and steal numerous custards from the cafeteria, all of which may initially seem insignificant but nevertheless remind me of how lucky I am to have this group of people as AEC this year. I feel free to express my opinions knowing that even though there may be rampant objection,
when we leave the table, our relationship is just as strong as it was when we first sat down.
Of course, meetings aren't all pain and suffering. Far from it, actually. Highlights of this weekend include: "I wish they'd leave me alone so I could go back to whacking my monsters,"
"Thumperton" and "Grovestand," The Plague (okay, that wasn't fun, but it was an adventure), the taxi driver who was channeling Jack Black, and finally Portland Airport security holding me from my plane as it took off leading to being driven through Maine by a hippie elderly couple with grandchildren, a bus trip down to Boston
and flying around the country from Boston to Houston and back to Seattle.
(I really have no excuse, but who can resist
making monkey face after a day of flying?)
So all in all, a typical AEC meeting.
I wish I could make faces like that in a plane!!! lol, too cute Bethany~
haha, I call the seat next to Bethany when we fly during the conference! I'm sure you'll keep me entertained~
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