Thursday, December 13, 2007

Introducing: Jenka Eusebio

Birthday: September 18
Age: 23
School: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Major: Creative Writing and Literature
Hometown: Washington DC

About me
My life revolves around books. I have no sense of direction, except for when there's a bookstore around. After that point I can get just about anywhere and find my way back.

Collects: Notebooks, stationary, tea, and old postcards

Hobbies: Reading, writing stories, darkroom and digital photography, travel, cooking, and attending free orchestra concerts. On occasion I watch movies, attend poetry and fiction readings, and visit antique stores- if time permits. Currently, most of my free time goes into JASC and my beloved thesis.

Book Recommendations: Love in a Fallen City by Eileen Chang, Wind-up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami, Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

Favorite Movies: Princess Bride, Spirited Away, City of Lost Children, and Amelie

Position: Publications Coordinator
RT: Exploring the Relationship Between Tradition and Modernity
Site: Los Angeles

I'm an idealist. It's all about getting out there and showing the world what students can do, getting our voices heard and our actions noticed. Of course, beneath all these romantic notions is the fact that it's fun, the discussions are amazing, the people are great, and there are opportunities lurking at ever corner. I'm also a pragmatist to a certain degree. JASC is a wonderful building block for a future career, whatever that may be. Personally- I'm interested in cultural exchange administration, which puts me right where I need to be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like how you described "About Me" I always think like that but since I'm slow at reading makes it even harder to make that as a reality~
i wish you can teach me how to read fast...^^;