Saturday, November 24, 2007

Introducing: Nancy Yang

Name: Nancy.

I will also answer to: Thumper, Nancypants

Institutional Affiliation: Harvard, '09
Interest: civil society in East Asia

Always Wanted To Be: Vigilante
Will Probably Be: Lawyer

Round Table:
Ethics: Holding Science Accountable to Humanity
Site: Boston
Other JASC responsibilities: Transportation, Recruitment

Q: Where are you from?
A: Born in China. Grew up in Dallas. Educated in Boston.

Q: What do you enjoy in your free time?
A: NPR, The Economist, Questionable Content, and Chuck Norris Facts. I like sleeping. I take the pursuit of happiness seriously. And I also blog obsessively.

Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: I'm torn between Spiderman's nerd cred and Batman's angst. Batman wins because he is the only superhero I know who does not actually have a superpower.

Q: What is JASC?
A: Four weeks spent constantly in the company of other delegates tend to produce strong feelings. We debate together, sleep together, bathe together and, on one sad, unfortunate day, vomit together. It takes a strong, wintry heart to remain indifferent to a fellow delegate after this. This is not to say I fell in love with everyone, but I got to keep the friends that I did (and still do) adore. JASC is all about the people. Come to the conference to meet some amazing fellow students, befriend them, and then spend Thanksgiving with them afterwards.

Q: Why do you introduce yourself in this contrived Q-and-A format?
A: ...


Bethany said...

Alarming though this may be to hear, the word "Thumper" seems to be missing from your introduction.

Nancy said...

Ah, a grievous error. It has been corrected.