Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Introducing: Samantha Scully

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I am Sam. Thank you for visiting our blog and learning more about me!!!!

Background- My family is Jamaican. I grew up eating beef patties, drinking ting (as you can see in the picture), and having a variety of American and Jamaican dishes. I currently go to Bowdoin College.

A typical week- A typical week involves 4 classes and a lot of meetings. I do JASC work, am President of my Class, on Bowdon student government, live in a social house (we do not have fraternities), and am on the student Affairs committee. I had 3 jobs but now have 1 part time and 1 fill-in position. How do I juggle it all???????.....GOD! My religious beliefs are important to me. At the end of church each week my friends and I gather and talk about the stresses of life and how God can help us through it all.

OH WAIT! I almost forgot I am the Co-Captain of the Unity step team:

Fun facts: I love the beach and the ocean but can't swim. I Love to write poetry but can only write it when i have strong emotions: Anger, pain, love, loss, and happiness at their extreme levels. I love to dance (anything but hardcore rock). I am going to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. I am taking an international law class which involves painful case analysis but I love it all!!!!! My hair color is coke-a-cola cherry. I have a stuffed animal EVERYONE loves (yes you love him but just do not know it yet!)

My Studies: I am a Asian studies/ History double major and will probably minor in Africana studies or dance. I am learning Japanese currently. For the past 3 years I have been documenting the rise and transformation of prostitution in Japan. It is fascinating! Especially the role Americans played in that transformation and enhancement (yeah I wrote the word enhancement). Ask me about it!

JASC!!!!!!!!- I am the American Chair of JASC. What do I do? I do anything that needs to get done. Honestly if it needs taking care of I make sure my members can do it and if they can not I need to make sure it happens 1 way or another. So its a vague but hard position at times.

Why JASC?- I LOVE JAPAN! I grew up on sailor moon and have always wanted to visit. My favorite Pre-modern era is the Tokugawa era, ,my favorite emperor is Go-Shirakawa and my favorite text.... well it is a tie between the Kojiki and Lady Nijo's memoirs. Oooooh the text in each is so full and rich with things to decipher.

Best wishes,
Sam ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo, How do you do it and still stay focus ?
I am assuming that you have a fantastic family support group maybe a Mom who loves and respect your uniqueness and a Dad who spoils you rotten. Well I do not know you, but after reading all that stuff you know it's almost as if I do know you. Keep it up with God's richest blessing