School: Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Textile Development and Marketing
Birthday : September 22
Age: 21
Hometown: Atlanta, Ga
Interests: knitting, textiles, fashion, traveling the world, walking across bridges, JASCers, taking naps, photography, tea and great conversations.
I was born and bred in the south (mostly north Carolina) but have grown very accustomed to city life in the north. Although I do miss southern hospitality and sweet tea ☺ I love studying in the fashion capital of America and living in this always crazy and stressful New York City. I especially enjoy being surrounded by so many different ethnic cultures. I keep my self very busy with multiple jobs and commitments. One includes a small fashion boutique on my school’s campus that I manage; I have become very attached now despite the craziness of it all.
Round Table: Comparative Law and Society
Site: Portland, Oregon
I am the newest AEC who has been called in as a replacement. So I am super excited to be a part of organizing the 60th JASC and I am ready for another amazing summer with great people