Friday, February 15, 2008

Introducing: Jessa Hutchins

School: Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Textile Development and Marketing

Birthday : September 22

Age: 21

Hometown: Atlanta, Ga
Interests: knitting, textiles, fashion, traveling the world, walking across bridges, JASCers, taking naps, photography, tea and great conversations.

I was born and bred in the south (mostly north Carolina) but have grown very accustomed to city life in the north. Although I do miss southern hospitality and sweet tea ☺ I love studying in the fashion capital of America and living in this always crazy and stressful New York City. I especially enjoy being surrounded by so many different ethnic cultures. I keep my self very busy with multiple jobs and commitments. One includes a small fashion boutique on my school’s campus that I manage; I have become very attached now despite the craziness of it all.


Round Table: Comparative Law and Society

Site: Portland, Oregon

I am the newest AEC who has been called in as a replacement. So I am super excited to be a part of organizing the 60th JASC and I am ready for another amazing summer with great people

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Our counterparts on the other side of the ocean seem to be hard at work. The JEC (we here in America are the AEC -- three guesses what JEC stands for) held an event publicizing JASC in Kyoto.

Regarding the event, Giff writes: "Kyoto JASC event was successful! Over 30 people came there, though there were just one week for publicity activities. The place was a hall in Kyoto University and we had a lecture focusing on diplomacy between US and Japan presented by a famous professor and Tokki and Mayu [of 59th JASC] gave speeches of the last JASC. The lecture and speeches worked well (but I could not listen because I was out to show people coming late the place)".

Indeed, congratulations to the JEC on a well-attended event. And, as always, pictures:

As a side note: I post photographs on the blog on the assumption that people featured in them do not object to the virtual publication (don't mock -- this site does, in fact, experience fairly good traffic) of their image. If this is not the case, e-mail me and I promise to remove the pictures pronto.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The 60th JASC deadline for US applicants is closing in! Remember, the applications must be postmarked by Feb. 8th, Friday. If you have any questions about the 60th JASC and the application process, please feel free to contact me.

Hidemi Tanaka
Vice Chairperson
American Executive Committee